Authorizations for specific sites
Sites of historical heritage, as well as places of worship or cultural significance in which we operate, in particular for restorations, have specific characteristics to take into account in order to ensure the safety of workers and people occupying the location.

Lead contamination risk

Lead is a material commonly used in ancient techniques, so it is often present in conservation and/or restoration sites.
However, both ingestion or inhalation of lead can cause serious health consequences and may have effects on both fertility and the nervous system. The most known lead disease, lead poisoning was listed as an occupational disease at the beginning of the 20th Century.
Today, various heritage stakeholders are aware of and sensitized to the risks associated with lead dust. Working on prestigious buildings classified as historic landmarks requires knowledge and experience with the measures taken to ensure the health and safety of those working in contaminated environments.
In addition to complying with regulations, Ateliers Chapuis pay particular attention to the organization of work sites to take this hazard into account. On numerous occasions, Ateliers Chapuis have had to take lead contamination risk into account, as on the Parisian construction sites of the Panthéon, La Bourse, the Church of St Germain-des-Prés, or the Notre Dame de Paris.
All Ateliers Chapuis staff have been trained by APAVE in the risks associated with lead and the necessary protocols. Before, during, and after the project, measures are taken at different levels in the site:
• Protection of people: the various teams working on the site as well as the public visiting the premises
• Analyses and tests for lead concentration
• Isolation of the contaminated parts, through the use of panels and care taken during transportation
• Suction of dust using high-performance equipment, while at the site and before leaving
• Waste management: conditioning, evacuation, and security
Sensitive occupied sites

Certain places continue to receive the public or to be occupied by their staff during the work on site. Ateliers Chapuis take all necessary measures not to interfere with the smooth running of operations while respecting the life of the place.
The main difficulties and possible nuisances relate to access, noise, and dust. Ateliers Chapuis first notify all occupants, the project owner, and the project manager of all future interferences. Here is the list of arrangements and measures taken:
Access :
• Arrangement of circulation and installation of signage in the areas of intervention
•Immediate evacuation of waste to storage areas
• Maintaining constant accessibility to emergency services
• Taking into account the safety perimeter around the site
• Identification of all workers involved by wearing the Ateliers Chapuis logo
Noise :
• Specification of the nature and expected duration of the operation
Dust :
• Careful interventions (removal, assembly, refitting …) in accordance with the rules of art
• Personal protective equipment adapted and installed to ensure a perfect seal against dust
• Use of vacuum cleaners instead of brooms, systematic use of portable power machines with dust collectors, as well as class M vacuum cleaners (certified filtration of 99.9% of dust) and portable sanders with dust extraction at the source
Cleanliness of work areas :
Ateliers Chapuis teams carry out daily cleaning of the work areas where they operate, so as not to clutter their access but also to avoid any movement of dust or other waste.